Andrew Furtsch

Brief Biography
Andrew is an alumni parent of Matthew (class of ‘19) and has been involved in facilities development and strategic planning at VCS since 2015. He was an integral part of VCS’s 2015 Campaign for Arts and Science, helped to move forward the new classroom construction in 2019, and is directly involved in both the development of the VCS Outdoor Education Center in Charlotte and the 2021 property acquisition and expansion of the South Burlington campus.
Passionate about education, Andrew founded Friends of the Lincoln Community School, a nonprofit that has raised significant money for enrichment programs and a community park and playground in his hometown. He is also president of Save Community Schools, a nonprofit dedicated to maintaining vibrant community schools in Vermont.
Andrew has a BA in Environmental Policy from Brown University (class of 1987) and has 35 years of experience in real estate development and investment.
Andrew lives in Lincoln, VT with his wife Joan Heaton Furtsch. He spends his free time working in his gardens, cycling, and practicing Ashtanga yoga. After a wonderful six years at VCS, Matthew is completed his college and master’s degrees in finance and now is an adjunct professor as well as working professionally in the field.