Research & Service Class Featured on WPTZ News
Research & Service Class Featured on WPTZ News
May 10, 2012
Students in the Environmental Engineering Research & Service class have been conducting a survey to assess potential sources of contamination to the Bartlett Brook watershed, which is a natural and recreational resource for the City of South Burlington, and the drinking water source for 70,000 people. WPTZ Channel 5 recently spent an afternoon in the […]
Students in the Trees
April 11, 2012
The Tree Research & Service class has been busy helping the trees around the Burlington area. This month, we started by meeting with Kit Anderson, a professor at UVM. She taught us about relationships between trees and humans, such as the Live Oak society in Louisiana, made up completely of live oak trees. Then, we […]
Students Work With VT Department of Environmental Conservation
March 21, 2012
This semester, a hearty band of seventh, ninth, and eleventh – graders are working in our local watershed to better understand some recent changes and how we might be able to address some of those changes. We started the semester with a workshop led by Jim Pease of the VT Department of Environmental Conservation. Jim […]