Inés de Haro
Social Studies Instructor, Spanish Instructor - Appointed 2024

Graduate Degree
M.A., Master of Arts, History, The University of Vermont
Undergraduate Degree
B.S., Secondary Education and Social Studies, Champlain College
Inspirational Quote I Live By
“Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be.” -Rita Pierson
Interests and Hobbies
I have been raised in Spanish restaurants my whole life, with my parents owning and operating their restaurants in Madrid and now in the Boston area. I adore cooking for my loved ones, and love to teach students of all ages the importance of seeking connection with one another (and history) through food. I have three dogs, and my partner and I love to hike during our free time with them.
I was born in Madrid, Spain, and am passionate about all things Spanish food and history. I greatly enjoy teaching in the Core Division at Champlain College and greatly enjoy my role as the 7th grade Social Studies teacher here at Vermont Commons School. My pedagogical philosophy for all age groups of students I teach, encourages diverse perspectives in my classes, which strive to engage students in pragmatic discourse. I believe that the competency of history is a skill for life, and should be taught as such. Through student-led inquiry, students are able to embark on meaningful academic explorations that bolster their knowledge of history while also finding authentic enjoyment of such studies.
Recommended Historical Reading
How to Hide an Empire, by Daniel Immerwahr
Fascism in Spain 1923-1977, by Stanley G. Payne