Chance Cardamone-Knewstub
Facilities, Ultimate Frisbee Coach - Appointed 2003

Graduate Degree
- Masters of Public Health, International Health and Development, Tulane University
Undergraduate Degree
- B.A. Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton
Best VCS Moment
Probably something in the driving rain in a canoe in the Adirondacks on a chilly autumn morning, awash in the joy of being alive.
Inspirational Quote
“Solo el amor con su ciencia, nos vuelve tan inocentes.” – Violeta Parra
(Only love with its science returns us to innocence)
Interests and Hobbies
Passionate about baking and cooking for my family, building resilience, raising my kids to work for social justice, and working to understand my privilege. I also enjoy volunteering for Migrant Justice.
Brief Biography
After being raised in Ithaca, NY, I bounced around from Arizona, to Colorado, to Louisiana pursuing education and a passion for Ultimate (Frisbee). I spent several years in Latin America then followed an amazing woman to Burlington.
I believe that truly speaking a second language is to see the world through lenses not available to monolinguists. My teaching is informed by living in rural and urban settings in Guatemala and Mexico as well as by a variety of experiences in experiential and wilderness education. I live in Charlotte with my partner (that same amazing woman) and 5 kids.