Adriana Comtois
World Languages Chair - Appointed 2005

Graduate Degree
- M.A. Teaching English as a Second Language, Saint Michael’s College
Undergraduate Degree
- B.A. Translation and Interpretation, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru
Best VCS Moment
The first day of class. I loved the warm welcome from everyone.
Inspirational Quote
Los sueños se construyen a mano y sin permiso (Dreams are made by hand and without asking) — Silvio Rodríguez (folk Cuban singer).
Interests and Hobbies
Reading, writing short stories, playing the piano, and all the crafts imaginable: knitting, embroidery, painting, candle making – you name it!
Brief Biography
A resident of Vermont for the past 15 years, I am original from Lima, Perú. I moved to Vermont with the allure of a beautiful landscape covered in snow, a nature spectacle not familiar to me in the arid lands of Lima. With time I also found in Vermont a place where to grow a family and build a community. I live a few blocks from the school with my husband, two children, and a fish and we enjoy our walks around the neighborhood (we don’t take the fish!). I spent almost all last school year in Peru teaching in our sister school, Colegio Santa Ana, as part of my sabbatical. I also started other personal projects such as the release of my blog Ya no lo pensé más, where I currently publish short stories, poems, and personal chronicles in Spanish. I am also attending graduate school at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, following a Curriculum Design Master’s program in the School of Education.