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0% Tuition Increase

0% Tuition Increase

  Each year at their January meeting, the Board of Trustees sets tuition for the subsequent school year at Vermont Commons.  This painstaking process begins late in the fall, through careful review of the projected operational goals and needs of the school, tuitions at other comparable institutions in our local and regional market, internal long-term tuition projections, and the school’s overall financial position.  At […]

Your To-do List

As you’ve read from me over the last several weeks, things are on track for us to return to the building in the fashion we announced in early December and have described in detail on the website (see here if you’ve missed it:  What this means is that–if everything continues to go according to plan–we […]

The Grey, Accomplishment, Transitions.

I think we’ve all had enough of the grey.  I say that because this week pretty much everyone I’ve run into, spoken with, or heard from is feeling it right now.  Feeling the grey.  Of course I’m not just talking about Vermont:  friends, colleagues, family around the country are feeling it.  The pandemic is exhausting […]

What a week!

What a week! Its wild ups and downs emerge in these excerpts from messages to students and teachers over the last five days: Monday morning email to the Faculty:        “The shaping of lives has been on my mind this break and how necessary it is to honor those experiences and the forces that […]

News and Notes December 12, 2020

News & Notes 12:18


Late in the first summer after my first year as a head of school, I traveled with my family and my in-laws to a camp remote enough that we had no cell phone reception, no wifi or internet, no cable or antenna television, no radio reception.  It was one of those rare spots left these […]

Gaspe Backcountry Ski Trip - Encounter Week 2020

Lots of Looking Ahead: Second Semester Plans and Important Updates on the Outdoor Education Center

     Thanks to everyone who has participated in the scenario planning and helped us complete the rollout of the plans for the second semester at Vermont Commons.  If you haven’t had a chance to hear, see, and review what’s in store (our plan for opening the spigot and thoughtfully easing our way back into the building), please […]

A Break, a Rush, and Then a Longer Break

     I started noticing the first couple of years in this role how there would be a mad rush from many folks to try to get a ton of things started or on the radar right before vacations began.  Maybe this was due to concern that they’d be forgotten over the course of a break (by themselves or […]

Scholarship. Community. Global Responsibility.

Students emerge from their time at Vermont Commons School intrinsically motivated to seek out their role for improving the world, with the skills and competencies to do so.